interview / liz rice mccray
I’m trying something new for my interviews this month, and since I’m always curious where people are when I’m interviewing them, I thought, Why not ask for a visual? I’m especially interested where you might be, because you always seem to be somewhere different in the world, and I don’t have a clue where you are at this moment. Perhaps you could describe where you’re at and I will describe where I am. This way everyone reading along can imagine our settings and feel like they’re right here with us.
I will start... so here I am sitting in my home office in Costa Mesa, California, on a really uncomfortable chair. I have two cups of coffee next to me, possibly because I forgot I had one and poured myself a second or because one
is a day or so old. Either way, I will drink them both. My office seems dark, not so inviting, and I’m pretty much surrounded by books, art and paper. It was suggested earlier this week by my friend Krust that I should move my office
to the “California Suite,” that’s a little room at the top of a spiral metal staircase in my house that people used to dwell in. But I haven’t spent much time in there and I’m thinking about her suggestion as I prepare to interview you.