interview Liz rice McCray
From the start of time, animals and people have used devices to camouflage into their surrounding environment in order to avoid danger or predators. Liu Bolin has perfected the ability to imitate and disappear into settings by matching the colors, lighting, textures, and his alignments to fit perfectly within an atmosphere. Bolin’s art encourages people to take a better look at their relationship with the “environment” and the surroundings that are livedand interacted in. In today’s world an individual can easily be influenced or controlled by their environment; the effects can be small or big, sometimes the changes are never noticed until under a microscope. Liu Bolin is an anomaly and a mystery; his work is a true testament to his artistry. After some searching (actually, a bunch of searching) we were pleased to be able to track down Liu and ask him a couple questions... Thank you so much to Eli Klein Fin Art for making this interview possible, for the images and translations. Thank you Liu Bolin for taking the time to give us a little insight to you and your work – I found you to be a complete inspiration.